Heid - Maverick Race Jurassic Coast Ultra 2023

I’ve loved running for years but until about a year ago I didn’t really have the confidence to run in a group and only went out on my own. So the fact that I ended up running the Maverick Jurassic Coast ultra over the weekend is pretty surprising and almost entirely down to the fact that i’ve spent the last year running with LHG most weeks, a club that offers a friendly and casual route into running and seems to inspire so many to achieve and exceed their running goals. The weekend felt like a success for everyone, with all LHGers managing to complete their races, with some even jumping up to a longer route mid-run. The weather was glorious, save for a very rainy windy half an hour (which happened to be when I was out on the headland, possibly the most exposed section of the whole route). The route was visually stunning, with a good mix of tarmac, rocky paths and grass, and lots of spicy hills, fun descents and flat sections to build up some speed. Everyone I met along the route was friendly and there was a good selection of dogs participating too which is obviously a huge plus. The best part of the weekend though was being able to spend it with the rest of the LHGers; the silly amount of conversations (pre and post run) that were had about absolutely every aspect of running in minute detail, the excitement of unexpectedly bumping into one of the gang mid-race and cheering everyone in (with plenty of cowbells) as they passed the finish line. Feel a bit emotional thinking about how lovely it all was and absolutely can’t wait for the next one!


Scribbles From John Ford


Baj - Maverick Race Jurassic Coast Ultra 2023